On-Line Management Training Curriculum Exam

1. Evaluating employees' effectiveness helps to insure that
employees are competent at their position.
employee conflict is reduced.
employees complete all job training.
employees are using team building techniques.

2. Managerial team building is important to the success of a Virtual Enterprise company, because
the employees will be less likely to have conflict.
the employees will make decisions quicker.
the employees can be skilled in areas to help make your team successful.
the employees will be more industrious.

3. Managers can expect responsibility, loyalty, trustworthiness and _______________ from employees.
team building

4. The three styles of management are: authoritarian, democratic, and _______________.
Laissez Faire

5. Following clear and easy to understand quality processes, fixing processes when problems arise, using facts and data to make decisions, and practicing continuous improvements are known as
principles of quality management.
Laissez Faire style management.
goal-oriented management.

6. Managers can expect industriousness among
business partners.
team members.

7. The difference between authoritarian and democratic leadership style is as follows:
Authoritarian style leadership is based on group consensus and democratic is not.
Democratic style leadership is based on individual decision-making and authoritarian is not.
Democratic style leadership is based on a group consensus and authoritarian is not.
Authoritarian style leadership is decision-making by group consensus and democratic management style is not.

8. Managers delegate duties to team members, because
the jobs delegated will be included in the employee's evaluation.
managers have skill and expertise in this area.
this is a management function that must be completed.
other team members may offer skill and expertise to create a successful team.

9. Managers strive for quality management in their businesses. One way to achieve this goal is to start by
following clear and easy-to-understand quality processes.
following lengthy and user-friendly processes.
writing detailed and complex quality processes.
writing simple and concise quality processes.

10. Generally, a team is a group of people who usually have different roles, and who are working together for a common goal.

11. _______________ is a main reason why teams may not be successful.
Not setting goals or misunderstandings goals
Setting goals or misunderstanding goals
Failure to solve conflicts or conflicting goals
Setting goals or failing to solve conflicts

12. The first step to solving a problem is to
implement a solution.
monitor the solution.
find the main cause of the problem.
identify the problem.

13. In both the ''real world'' and the ''virtual world'' managers and team members are periodically evaluated on their job performance. This is necessary to assure the company runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible. It is also important for the ______________ of all company employees to be evaluated on a regular basis.
control and correction
growth and development
learning process and departmentalization
function and evaluation

14. Through job performance evaluations, it may be necessary to reevaluate specific jobs or roles and/or
to rewrite the team member's job descriptions to one more suitable.
to reclassify the employee's position to one that is more suitable.
to change the team member's salary to one more suitable.
to change the team member's specific job to one that is more suitable.

Management Training Curriculum Test

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